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Regain Your Smile and Confidence with All-on-Six Dental Implants

Are you looking for a transformative solution to replace missing teeth and achieve a beautiful, natural-looking smile? All-on-Four and All-on-Six dental implant treatments at Dentakademi Oral & Dental Healthcare Center offer the ideal answer. We are renowned for our expertise in this innovative dental solution, which can be a life-changing experience for those who have lost multiple teeth or face the challenges of traditional dentures.

What Are All-on-Four/Six Dental Implants?

All-on-Four and All-on-Six dental implant treatments are advanced procedures designed to provide patients with a fixed set of teeth in a way that is comfortable, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. These techniques are particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth and are looking for a comprehensive restoration.

The All-on-Four/Six Dental Implant Procedure

The treatment begins with a thorough examination by our expert dental team. We strategically place four or six dental implants in your jawbone to anchor a full arch of teeth. These implants serve as stable foundations for your new set of teeth. The process may involve extractions, but it minimizes the need for extensive bone grafting, making it a more cost-effective and efficient solution.


Maxillary and Mandibular prosthesis with gum All on 4 system supported by implants.

Benefits of All-on-Four/Six Dental Implants

Improved Stability: All-on-Four/Six implants provide a secure, non-removable solution that functions like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Your new teeth are custom-crafted to match your facial features and desired appearance, ensuring a natural and beautiful smile.

Less Recovery Time: Compared to traditional implant methods, All-on-Four/Six typically require less recovery time and offer a quicker return to your daily routine.

Cost-Effective: With fewer implants needed and reduced bone grafting, All-on-Four/Six implants are often a more cost-effective option.



Why Choose Dentakademi for All-on-Four/Six Dental Implants?

Dentakademi Oral & Dental Healthcare Center is the top choice for All-on-Four/Six dental implant treatment in Turkey. We have a team of 21 expert dentists who are skilled in this procedure. Our advanced facilities and equipment ensure the highest level of care and precision throughout the treatment.

Patient Comfort and Safety

Our patient-centered approach includes providing full anesthesia and sedation services for individuals who may experience dental phobia or anxiety. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities.

Your Journey to a New Smile Begins Here

Don’t let missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures hold you back. The All-on-Four/Six dental implant treatment at Dentakademi can transform your life by restoring your smile and self-confidence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier future.



Dentakademi International Patient Services


WhatsApp Line 1: +90 505 004 05 10

WhatsApp Line 2: +90 537 525 77 66

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Turkey's First Comprehensive
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