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What is All-On-4 Treatment?

Can you give us some information about the installation or installation on the same day? Is it necessary to wait 3 months, is it safe to apply a fixed prosthesis on the day of implant?

Thanks to developing techniques, implant structures and prosthetic parts, we are able to make a fixed temporary prosthesis on the implant on the day of implant.

Especially in patients with dental deficits in the anterior region, patients are very right to make such a request for aesthetic reasons. If we have bone in the front of the implant we can apply a temporary prosthesis to our patient in the session. The other patient group who can wear teeth on the same day is the patient who has no teeth at all. If the bone quality is appropriate, our patient can apply 4 or 6 implants and we can apply temporary fixed prosthesis on the same day. Immediate, on the same day, it is a procedure that requires precision. Therefore, it should be practiced by experienced physicians.

Can you tell us about All-On-4 treatment?

In all-on-4 patients, sinus lift is the treatment method used to eliminate the need for advanced surgery due to bone addiction and bone deficiency. Temporary fixed prosthesis can be made to our patients on the same day. The All-on-4 application provides both time and comfort.

Can you tell us about sinus lift and bone splicing?

In our upper jaw, there are anatomical gaps that we call the maxillary sinus. These maxillary sinuses may expand structurally or sometimes due to tooth extraction. If this is the size that prevents our implant application, the bone forming materials are lifted upwards. or sinus removal is called. Bone forming materials can be a person’s self-derived bone as well as synthetic, animal or human. All have advantages and disadvantages compared to each other, and the physician will provide the patient with the necessary information.

If the amount of bone in the sinus lift process is very low, add only bone-forming material and wait for the implant. If there are enough bone to support the implant, both the sinus lift process and the implant can be applied in the same session.

How long is the waiting time in the sinus lift?

The waiting period is longer than the normal implant applications because of an additional procedure performed outside the implant. According to the technique used and the material used, this waiting period can vary from 4 months to 10 months.

Is the sinus lift painful and difficult?

Sinus lift is a painless procedure under local anesthesia such as an implant. However, since further surgery is performed compared to implant surgery, swelling, bleeding and bruising may be slightly higher than normal after the procedure.

Can you tell us about the bone forming agents used?

As mentioned earlier, the patient’s own bone, synthetic origin, animal or human source materials may be used in sinus fiber or bone splicing processes.

These are the bones taken from the patient’s jaw while small bone additions can be used in the addition of small amounts of bone. The bone is removed from the hip of the patient’s hip or head. there are disadvantages such as the occurrence of a surgical wound, the longer the operation, the uncomfortable patient after the procedure and the overall general anesthesia.

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